
IMPACT by the Numbers 

How many people served

How many meals provided

Number of Volunteers Hours

Pounds of Clothing Distributed

Our Programs

Throughout 2022 Colorado FriendShip has met the challenges presented by Covid 19, and has creatively and responsibly continued to provide our full programs and the ongoing supplies of food and clothing to those in need in our community.

IncrEdibles Food Program

Weekly Food Bags to Children

Many school-aged children receive free breakfast and lunch during the week at school.  The IncrEdibles Food Program is specifically designed to assist children in need on the weekends.

Colorado FriendShip’s IncrEdibles Food Program sends healthy, kid-friendly, nonperishable food home every Friday during the school year.  Each bag of food consists of breakfast, lunch, and dinner for Saturday and Sunday.

Benefits of the IncrEdibles Food Program: 

  • Provides nutritious meals
  • Eases kids’ anxieties
  • Improves attention span
  • Raises academic performance
  • Increases self-esteem
  • Reduces absenteeism

The need is great! With your help, we can grow this program to serve more children each year.

Hot Meals on the Streets 

A meal with a dash of hope

Since 1998, Colorado FriendShip has served hot meals and distributed clothing to the homeless and destitute in Boulder County. Colorado FriendShip’s Hot Meals on the Street serves 3,000 meals a year, but the need is far greater.

We are one of the very few Boulder County nonprofits that takes hot meals and critically needed clothing directly to where indigent people live. Our mobile trailers are fully stocked with food and clothing.

Whether in concert with other nonprofits or on our own, we deliver the goods where they’re needed, when they’re needed. With your help, our mobile food and clothing unit can continue to serve this needy community.

Disaster Relief

Did you know that the original mission at Colorado FriendShip was disaster relief? Yes, before IncrEdibles and our other programs, COF brought assistance to those in need after the many Colorado disasters:

In the midst of responding to disasters locally and throughout Colorado, COF also felt compelled to help others in need during disasters in other areas of the country. We sent our truck and trailer full of clothing and supplies with volunteers down to Shreveport after Katrina in 2005. Any support sent out of state to those in need is part of our FriendShip Ambassador effort


  • Jamestown, CO Fire, 2003
  • Tornado in Holly, CO, 2007
  • Windsor, CO Tornado, 2008
  • Four Mile Canyon Fire, 2010
  • High Park Fire, 2012
  • Hurricane Sandy, NY, 2012
  • Front Range CO Floods, 2013
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