About Us
In one of the wealthiest counties in America, many are in need of the most basic necessities. Colorado FriendShip delivers food and clothing to those who need it most — low-income and poverty-stricken children and families, and the homeless and indigent in Boulder County.
Our Programs
IncrEdibles Food Program –
Weekly Food Bags to Children. Many school-aged children receive free breakfast and lunch during the week at school. The IncrEdibles Food Program is specifically designed to assist children in need on the weekends.
Since 1998, Colorado FriendShip has served hot meals and distributed clothing to the homeless and destitute in Boulder County. Colorado FriendShip’s Hot Meals on the Street serves about 3,000 meals a year, but the need is far greater.
The original mission at Colorado FriendShip was disaster relief. Yes, before IncrEdibles and our other programs, COF brought assistance to those in need after the many Colorado disasters, including tornados, forest fires, and floods.
Meet our Team
Executive Director
Eve Weglarz
IncrEdibles Program Manager
Rebecca Lawson
Assistant IncrEdibles Program Manager
Benjamin Weglarz
Warehouse Operations Manager
Mason Bordeaux
Assistant Warehouse Operations Manager
Robin Newman
Clothing Manager
Dale Tarantino
Hot Meals Food Manager
Jim Weglarz
Marketing Manager
Additional Staff
Lynn Heydt – Disaster Relief Liaison
Jake DiMartino – Director of Development
Board of Directors
Jim Weglarz, President
Bob Tarantino, Vice-President
Mark Mollenauer, Treasurer
Liz Friedenson
Ron Vejrostek
Doug Oldfield
Glenn Steiner
Our History
Colorado FriendShip was born as an emergency relief organization dedicated to delivering emergency food and clothing to disaster victims.
Since 1998, our mobile units have fed and clothed victims of the Jamestown, Fourmile Canyon and High Park fires, the Holly and Windsor tornadoes, and the 2013 Colorado Flood. We even travelled with a truckload of supplies to Shreveport for victims of Hurricane Katrina.
Though still available to supply disaster relief, Colorado FriendShip now focuses on the daily needs of our community’s less fortunate. On any given day, you’ll find our volunteers feeding underprivileged kids through our weekend food program, and delivering hot meals, nutritious groceries and clothing to poor families, the jobless and the homeless.
People Served
Number of Meals Serve
Clothing Items Distributed
Frequently Asked Questions:
What can I donate?
We are a 501(c)(3) organization and gladly accept individual and business donations. Click to donation or beomce a partner.
How can I help your organization?
Become a Partner or Volunteer
I need help - what do I do?
Please contact us if you need help.